Google News Lab is a global resource for journalists, newsrooms, and media entrepreneurs. We provide training, tools, and resources to help journalists innovate and succeed in the digital age. Our mission is to help journalism thrive in the 21st century. We offer a wide range of programs and services, including: – Training: We offer in-person and online training on a variety of topics, including data journalism, digital storytelling, and audience engagement. – Tools: We develop and provide free tools to help journalists do their jobs more efficiently and effectively. These tools include Story Builder, a tool for creating interactive stories; Data Commons, a repository of public data; and Fact Check Explorer, a tool for verifying claims. – Resources: We provide a variety of resources to help journalists stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the news industry. These resources include our blog, newsletter, and social media channels. We also offer a directory of journalism resources, which includes listings for organizations, websites, and tools that can be helpful to journalists. Google News Lab is a global team of journalists, engineers, and educators. We are passionate about helping journalism thrive in the digital age. We believe that by providing training, tools, and resources, we can help journalists innovatcate, adapt, and succeed..