5 Types of Travel Companions to Avoid for a Better Trip

Travelling is a life-changing experience.

Especially when going away for some time, visiting a completely different culture from yours, doing it alone or with a group of friends, having saved money for a long time to be able to afford it, or else.

It’s always worth it.

And it’s true when they say that you come back a different person.

You grow so much when away from home and being exposed to so many new and unfamiliar places, having to deal with all types of situations, and learning how to go with the flow and be okay with plans not working out.

But there are some things you can do in advance to prevent turning your travels into an unpleasant experience.

One of them is to carefully choose who to go with.

Do it with the wrong people, and every day will be a struggle.

You won’t be able to enjoy the view, food, local people, or all the little issues that go together with travelling such as flight delays, bad weather, a missed bus, not bringing the right clothes, not finding an ATM nearby when you need it, no phone signal, etc.

Because these are the things that make travelling more than just a getaway.

Before you decide who to go with, it’s even more important to be sure about who you wouldn’t travel with.

Here are 5 types of people to leave behind, even if someone gets offended: 1.

The complainer – We all know who he is and what he does.

I’m talking about the person who’ll complain about the rain, then keep saying it’s too hot when the sun comes back up.

It’s the man or woman that will never be satisfied with the service of a restaurant or a hotel, the price, the view, or the culture in general.

Having this attitude next to you throughout your travels will let you look at the negatives way more often than you wish.

And because a complainer would never enjoy a holiday anyways because of the many things that he won’t be happy with there (and the fact that now isn’t the right time to change his personality), he’s better off staying at home.


The spoiled one – This can be the city girl, who would never go camping, or hop on a boat, or do something that will ruin her hair.

It might also be the self-obsessed guy, who’d expect everyone to treat him like they do at home and will often make you feel uncomfortable being around him.

Especially if you’re in a country with humble people, not used to foreigners who think they rule the world.

The spoilt friend might also be someone who would change hotels if one thing doesn’t appeal to them or the one who prefers shopping over sightseeing.

None of this is worth your time, so leave these in their environment, where they belong..

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