House Passes Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana Nationwide

**House Passes Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana Nationwide**

**Washington, D.C.** – The House of Representatives has passed a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level, marking a significant step forward in the movement to legalize the drug. The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act passed by a vote of 220-204, with five Republicans joining all Democrats in support of the measure..

**Key Provisions of the MORE Act**

The MORE Act would:.

* Remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, effectively decriminalizing its possession and use at the federal level..

* Expunge federal marijuana convictions and allow individuals to petition to have their state marijuana convictions expunged..

* Invest in communities disproportionately affected by the war on drugs through grants and programs focused on job training, education, and healthcare..

**Support and Opposition**

Supporters of the MORE Act argue that it is a necessary step to address the racial disparities in marijuana enforcement and to reduce the harms associated with the criminalization of drug use. They also point to the growing public support for marijuana legalization, with recent polls showing that a majority of Americans favor decriminalization or legalization..

Opponents of the bill argue that it would send the wrong message about drug use and could lead to increased marijuana use, particularly among young people. They also express concerns about the potential impact on public safety, such as increased traffic fatalities and impaired driving..

**Next Steps**

The MORE Act now moves to the Senate, where it faces an uncertain future. The bill is expected to face significant opposition from Republicans, who have traditionally opposed marijuana legalization. However, some Senate Democrats have expressed support for the measure, and the bill could potentially gain support from moderate Republicans..

If passed by the Senate and signed into law by President Biden, the MORE Act would represent a major victory for the marijuana legalization movement. It would remove marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances, expunge federal marijuana convictions, and invest in communities impacted by the war on drugs. The bill would also likely spur further legalization efforts at the state level, as many states have been waiting for federal action before moving to legalize marijuana themselves..

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