Millions of Americans Face New Problems With Health Insurance Coverage

Millions of Americans who obtain health insurance through their employers or buy it on their own are facing a new set of problems with their coverage, a survey suggests..

The Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that studies health care issues, found that 1 in 4 adults with employer-sponsored insurance and 1 in 3 with individual coverage say they have had problems getting the care they need in the past year..

The survey, which was conducted in June and July, also found that:.

* 1 in 5 adults with employer-sponsored insurance say they have had to pay more out-of-pocket costs for their care in the past year..

* 1 in 10 adults with employer-sponsored insurance say they have had to wait longer for appointments or procedures in the past year..

* 1 in 10 adults with individual coverage say they have had to pay more out-of-pocket costs for their care in the past year..

* 1 in 5 adults with individual coverage say they have had to wait longer for appointments or procedures in the past year..

The survey’s findings are consistent with other recent reports that have found that the cost of health care is rising for many Americans. A report from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the average annual premium for employer-sponsored health insurance rose by 5% in 2019, to $20,576 for family coverage and $7,188 for individual coverage..

The Commonwealth Fund survey also found that the problems with health insurance coverage are particularly acute for low-income Americans. Among adults with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level, 1 in 3 with employer-sponsored insurance and 1 in 2 with individual coverage say they have had problems getting the care they need in the past year..

The survey’s findings highlight the need for policymakers to take action to address the problems with health insurance coverage that many Americans are facing. The Commonwealth Fund recommends that policymakers take the following steps:.

* Increase the availability of affordable health insurance plans..

* Make it easier for people to enroll in health insurance plans..

* Protect people with pre-existing conditions from being denied coverage or charged higher premiums..

* Increase funding for community health centers and other safety-net providers..

The Commonwealth Fund survey is based on a nationally representative sample of 1,902 adults aged 19 and older. The survey was conducted by telephone and online in June and July 2019..

The margin of sampling error for the survey is plus or minus 3 percentage points at the 95% confidence level..

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